Weight loss and vision disturbance


I’ve recently had two episodes of involuntary weight loss. The first around December and the second after a week of cortisona treatment.
I had an mri and it detected a brain inflamation which is still under investigation but I have been having headaches, weight loss and recently eye floaters and a strange feeling in my right eye.

I’ve done several blood tests and all of them were normal. I’ve also been in Indonesia last September and while there I got a parasite infection.

Any idea of what could link all this symptoms together?

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Geschreven door Aimnl
Gevraagd op 16 maart 2020 19 29
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A plausible explanation could be the inflammation

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Geschreven door Robert Rebergen
Beantwoord door 16 maart 2020 19 42
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Attach YouTube/Vimeo clip putting the URL in brackets: [https://youtu.be/Zkdf3kaso]